Basketball Courts
Durbin Crossing Basketball Courts Rules
Please note the Basketball Facility is an unattended facility and persons using the facility do so at their own risk. Persons interested in using the Basketball Facility are encouraged to consult with a physician prior to using the facility.
All Patrons and guests using the Basketball Facilities are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible, courteous and safe manner in compliance with all policies and rules of the Durbin Crossing Community Development District governing the Amenity Facilities. Disregard or violation of the District’s policies and rules and misuse or destruction of Basketball Facility equipment may result in the suspension or termination of Basketball Facility privileges. Guests may use the Basketball Facility if accompanied by an adult Patron.
(1) Eligible Users. Patrons and guests twelve (12) years of age and older are permitted to use the Basketball Facility during designated operating hours. Children who are under twelve (12) years of age may use the Basketball Facility only when accompanied by an adult aged eighteen (18) or older.
(2) Hours. The Basketball Facility is available during daylight hours. The facility may not be used after dark.
(3) Emergencies: For all emergencies, call 911 immediately. All emergencies and injuries must also be reported to Amenity Center Staff as well as the District Manager at 904-940-5850.
(4) Proper Attire: Proper athletic shoes and attire are required at all times while on the courts. Shirts must be worn. No black-soled or open-toe shoes are permitted.
(5) The basketball courts are available on a first come, first serve basis. Each Patron and the Patron’s guests are limited to the use of one (1) basketball court when others are waiting.
(6) General Policies:
- Patrons who provide Personal Training or any Fitness or Sports Instruction services are prohibited from conducting such services at the Amenity Facilities, including but not limited to Swim Lessons, Yoga, Pilates, Weight Lifting, and Tennis Lessons.
- Proper basketball etiquette shall be adhered to at all times. The use of profanity of disruptive behavior is prohibited.
- Persons using the Basketball Facility must supply their own basketballs.
- The Basketball Facility is for the play of basketball only. Pets (with the exception of “Service Animals”), roller blades, bikes, skates, skateboards, and scooters are prohibited from the basketball facility.
- Beverages are permitted at the Basketball Facility if contained in non-breakable containers with screw top or sealed lids. No alcoholic beverages, glass or other breakable items are permitted on the basketball courts.
- No chairs other than those provided by the District are permitted on the basketball courts
- Any basketball program operated, established and run by the District may have priority over other users of the Basketball Facility.
- The courts must be left clean after use.
To view our complete policies and procedures click here.